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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: Nico

Member#: 299
Registered: 28-07-2003
Diary Entries: 71

Mood: Whatever.
29th August 2009
Windsurfing: Esso beach
Wind Direction: W
Wind Stength: 5/6/7
Surf / Sea State: Choptastic
Air Temperature: A bit cool for Augus
Sea Temperature: warm enough
Weather: Basically sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

A complicated day that I thought might end with me not getting a sail. Got down to the sea front around 13.30 with just the wave board and 4.7. It was blowing its tits off and people were rigging 4.2s and smaller. ooops. It was gorgeously sunny though and perfect half tide.

After a while I decided to head off to Esso and wait for some tide in the hope that it would be a few knots lighter. I parked up and after a while a big rain cloud come over and it blew and rained heavily. When it had passed the wind died. Ooops. I'd rigged by then and of course I only had the wave gear. So I sat in the car and watched people arrive. The first out came in to rig bigger - 6.0 metre sails were in evidence.

After a lot of waiting and looking the wind seemed to have come back a bit and I thought I'd have a go since I'd driven down. So out I went and within minutes the wind returned. It was just fine for the 4.7 - not nuking as it had been earlier. It was now north of west so the reaches took me down to the shallows to the south of the launch spot.

So the end result was a great wave board session in Langstone harbour. Not what I'd been looking forward to but a good recovery. Result.
Toys Used:
Fanatic Rip 52
NP Search 4.7



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